Don't Keep Any Secrets

Right around the beginning of the year, I received a very special gift. My Mom shared with my sisters and I the word the Lord spoke to her for us. There were several wise words that she shared but the one that stood out to me the most was, “Don’t keep any secrets.”

While I didn’t feel like there were any secrets that I was keeping, I did take it as a word to me to be conscious about sharing more with my immediate family about what was going on in my life. Since I generally don’t make a big deal out of things and usually avoid drawing attention to myself, my natural tendency is to do what needs to be done and move on to the next thing – and the thought of sharing what just happened usually never crosses my mind.

Well today as I was driving to my destination where I had a big decision to make, in my mind I hear the wise words of my mother, “Don’t keep any secrets.” So, I grabbed my phone and called one of my sisters to tell her about it. Once we got off the phone, I later found out that she whispered a quick and simple prayer, “God, bless her right now. Show her Your favor.” Her prayer needed to be short and to the point because within ten minutes God showed me what I needed to see, and my decision was made. Not only did I need the prayer of my sister, but I believe she also needed to experience first-hand the way in which God moved supernaturally on my behalf. Because she got to experience it with me, we both got to celebrate the goodness of God together in real time.

Praise God I don’t have a lot of drama in my life that I try to keep hidden. But I do have a lot of supernatural experiences that I believe He wants to reveal. All the secrets we’re keeping may not be bad. Many of them may be holy. If you’re like me, you have to remind yourself that allowing someone else to experience the supernatural ways in which the Father is working in your life is not bragging – it’s just one of the many ways that the redeemed of the Lord can say so. So, what is it that God has done in your life that you have kept to yourself? You may want to ask the Lord if there’s anyone He wants you to share it with. You just may find Him also telling you, “Don’t keep any secrets.”

Leave a comment below to share one of the ways God has moved supernaturally in your life recently.

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