Here’s what people are saying…
“I encourage all who desire to become better leaders and to know and understand their gifts and purpose to take advantage of the teachings offered by Dr. Hobley. I have been tremendously blessed by doing so and have been able to draw from what was taught and apply it to my life. I honestly believe I am a better person and have a better sense of who I am and what I should be doing because of her teachings. Dr. Hobley‘s method of delivery is unique in that she makes learning fun and alive in a way that inspires and brings understanding. It has been life changing for me. I anxiously await her next sessions as I know they will not disappoint!”
“A leader of leaders. Keidra’s teaching is instrumental to women leaders all over the world who yearn for professional, personal, and spiritual growth. Whether you are a college student, working professional, or full time homemaker Keidra will help you discover and develop your potential and equip you for your purpose and your calling.”
“You have got to sit under her teaching! She has helped me so much.”
“One of my favorite classes and favorite instructors.”
“I was able to use several things we learned in class in a panel discussion of my ministry.”
“Thank you so much Dr. Hobley! Your presentation was so helpful, and I will definitely be using the information throughout my career!”
“You have impacted my life so much... All of [your] blogs have impacted me a certain kind of way, but this one unlocked the door to freedom!”
“Whether it’s reading her books, listening to her CD’s or Refreshing at her women’s retreat, Keidra has helped me to discover my strengths and abilities that have not only equipped me for the market place but has inspired me to reach and go after all that God has for me, unashamedly. ”
“The entire retreat was phenominal! I can’t think of anything that I would have done differently.”
“Thank you to you and your team for all your hard work and planning as well as your obedience. It was such a sweet treasured time.”