New Thing

As I turned my desk chair around to gaze out the window and ask the Holy Spirit what He wanted to me share in today’s blog post, this is the picture I saw. This tree, that has been completely bare for the last few months, is now beginning to bud new leaves! Just seeing the brilliance of the color and the radiance of the sun shining so graciously upon it caused me to pause and reflect on the beauty of newness.

We’re not even a full month into the new year yet and already I’ve seen and experienced so many new things! I’ve published a new book, met some new people, tried several new things, gotten some new technology, had to make some new decisions, started a new mentorship group, been offered new opportunities to speak and to teach, and I’ve so enjoyed seeing old passages of scripture in brand new ways.

How easy it is to meditate on the old and lose sight of the new. The buds on this tree outside my office window didn’t progress to this point overnight, yet, I didn’t notice it until today. Every day I come in, sit at my desk, and work all day with my eyes focused inward at all the old things while all this time there was something new blooming and I didn’t even notice.

Let’s not let this year go by without making it a point to notice all the new things God is doing in our lives. Let’s be intentional about celebrating the new things He’s doing in the lives of those around us. Let’s look forward to all the new things that are to come. Why? Isaiah 43:19 says it best. Behold, He’s doing a new thing!

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