Sticks & Stones

How many of you as a child heard the saying, sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me? And how many of you would say words can actually be very hurtful at times? For many of us, the positive words we don’t hear can cause as much pain as the negative ones we do hear. Here are a few examples of words we all probably would like to hear, in some form or another, a little more often: 

·      I love you.

·      I’m so proud of you.

·      Good job!

·      I appreciate you.

·      I’m so glad you’re my [spouse, child, mother, teacher, etc.].

·      You’re beautiful.

·      You look really nice today.

·      You’re so sweet.

·      That’s a great idea.

·      I really enjoyed talking to you today.

·      You’re really good at that.

·      I’m grateful for the time you invest in me.

·      I apologize.

·      Please forgive me.

·      I was wrong.

·      I miss you.

·      I forgive you.

·      I’ll be happy to do that for you.

·      You’re amazing!

·      How’s your heart today?

·      You’ve been a great friend to me.

·      Thank you.

·      Just because.

·      I’m listening.

If we miss hearing words like these, then there are plenty of people around us who would be blessed by hearing them too. Imagine the impact we could have on those around us if we made it a point to speak simple, genuine words like these more frequently. Try it! For the remainder of this month, don’t let a day pass by where you don’t share a positive, encouraging, uplifting word with someone else. Why? Because sticks and stones may break our bones and kind words really do encourage us.

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