Unusual but Not Unexpected

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This past weekend we got snow in the south! Having lived in climates where tons of snow is a regular occurrence, it’s interesting to observe how a southern climate responds to just a few inches. Here are just a few of the things I noticed.

We are prepared to be unprepared. Since snow is such a rare occurrence in the south, cities don’t have snowplows to clear the roads or salt trucks to provide traction. Homeowners don’t have snow blowers to unobstruct their driveways or ice scrapers to clean their windshields. We drive SUVs because they’re pretty – not for the powerful ways in which they can perform. So, what do we do in the south to prepare for such conditions? We sit and wait for someone to make the decision to shut the city down. We have completely accepted the fact that we are ill-equipped.

We’re excited about the unusual not because of what it brings, but because of what it gets us out of doing. Come on, as they used to say, tell the truth and shame the devil. How many of you in the south were excited about the snow, not because of the snow, but because it’s coming meant you didn’t have to go to work? We weren’t really excited about what was coming, we were just excited about what we could get out of it. Instead of looking forward to its awe and wonder, we were simply looking forward to our leisure and convenience.

We can’t enjoy the unusual because it exists in uncomfortable conditions. My daughter and I spent the whole morning walking for miles, playing in the snow, and taking pictures. We layered on our clothes, put on our boots, and had the best time. I had bundled up so well, there came a point when I was actually tempted to say I was hot! As I shared a few of our pictures along our journey, there were some who couldn’t believe we were out there. Then, there were others who couldn’t believe we were out there as long as we were. Why? Because it was cold. Because these aren’t the kind of conditions we in the south are used to experiencing. When it gets too cold, we get uncomfortable. And because we are so committed to being comfortable, we miss out on amazing and unusual experiences.

When we put off until later what is only happening right now, we’ll miss it. By the time my daughter and I came inside, peeled off all our layers, took our shower, got dressed, and headed out for the day, the snow had already started to melt. There were some areas where it was completely melted to the point where you would have never even known it had snowed. Had we waited; we would have missed everything we got to experience and enjoy.

We’d rather watch it than experience it. I can’t even count the number of people who commented on how beautiful the snow was. What I found interesting was that this comment came pretty much solely from people who never stepped a foot outside in it. The only thing they could share was what it looked like – what they saw on the surface from a distance. They had no involvement, no understanding, no connection, no encounter.

We know it’s predicted and yet we’re still surprised when it happens. The weather forecast informed us well in advance that the snow was coming. Many of us were wishing, hoping, and even praying it would come but still seemed shocked when it did. Even though we were in disbelief, we were still happy to take advantage of the benefits that came with its predicted arrival.

Now here’s a prediction that you can know to be true. Jesus is coming back. Let’s not continue to remain in disbelief and soothe our conscious by enjoying all the niceties that come along with calling ourselves Christians. Let’s not just sit back and watch what God is doing in the earth; let’s choose to actively participate in it. Christianity was never intended to be a spectator sport. When the Father prompts you to do something now, don’t put it off until later. You just might miss His perfect timing.

Once again, I encourage you to get comfortable being uncomfortable. Just because you feel awkward, doesn’t mean it’s not anointed. Check your motives. Make sure your WHY lines up with His WORD. Get prepared. There are so many things that have been prophesied for which we’re still choosing not to prepare. The whole point of us knowing in advance, is so that we’re not caught off guard. Many of the things that are happening in these last days may be unusual, but for those of us who are believers, they should not be unexpected.

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Keidra HobleyComment