Remember Lot's Wife

If you’ve been a believer for any period of time, it’s very likely you’re familiar with the story of Lot’s wife. Lot was the nephew of Abraham. He and his family lived in the city of Sodom. It was a wicked city where sin was running rampant. Because of this, God decided to destroy the city but agreed to save Lot and his family. When two angels told Lot to immediately get his family out of the city, the angels specifically instructed them to not look back. Lot’s wife did the very thing they were instructed not to do. She looked back and as a result she turned into a pillar of salt.

Coming out on the other side of this time of quarantine, we are entering into a new season. Just the other day I heard the Lord say to me, “Resist the urge to allow things to automatically go back to things as usual. I’m doing a new thing. Don’t allow this reset to go to waste.” In other words, the Father is saying don’t look back!

We will never be ready for a new thing if we insist on doing things the same old way. We won’t be able to move forward to what’s ahead by continuing to focus on what lies behind. We can’t cling to the past and press on toward the future at the same time. We can’t simultaneously hold on to where we came from and take hold of where God is taking us. If God wants to take us in a different direction, why would we insist on doing things in the same old way?

Notice He said allow and automatically. If our lives simply go back to the way things were, it’s going to be because we allowed it to. And if we don’t consciously pursue what new thing God wants to do in this season, we will automatically settle back into things as usual and miss out on the things to come.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to have gone through all of this for no reason. I don’t want to allow this reset to go to waste. I don’t want to miss out on the new thing God wants to do. I’m resisting the urge to settle back into my default mode. I’m remembering Lot’s wife and I am not looking back!


Questions to Ask

·      What new thing have you experienced during this time of quarantine that you need to hold on to?

·      What old thing from before this time of quarantine do you believe God wants you to let go of?

·      What is your default mode that you need to resist the urge to automatically settle back into?


Scripture to Study

·      Genesis 19:26

·      Luke 17:32

·      Isaiah 43:18-19

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Keidra HobleyComment