This past weekend we got the opportunity to get out of the house for the first time in almost two weeks. Since the sun was shining bright and spring had finally sprung, I decided to get out in the yard and do some outdoor spring cleaning. After cutting the grass, my daughter applied some weed-and-feed to the lawn while I pulled weeds in the flowerbeds.

The weeds weren’t that difficult to pull since the ground had been watered by the rain that had fallen two days prior. Because of this, I thought I could just walk around the bed and reach down and pull the weeds right out. After trying to pull a couple of them, I realized I was only able to pull off the top of the weeds this way. I knew it ultimately meant my labor would be in vain, because in a few days the same weeds would just pop right back up and I would have to keep doing it over and over again.

I finally decided to go get my kneeling pad so I could really get to work. It wasn’t until I was on my knees that I could pull the weeds out by the root so they couldn’t raise their ugly little heads again. It took me a lot longer, but the results were much more lasting. After I finished pulling all the weeds up by the root, I applied some weed preventer and watered it in to prevent any new weeds from forming. It doesn’t mean a couple of new weeds might not try to pop up, but it will be much easier to quickly deal with the one or two weeds that pop up here and there than having to deal with a whole flowerbed full over and over again.

Many times, this is how we try to deal with the issues in our lives. As believers, it should be at least a little easier to deal with some things if we’re being watered by the Word of God. But often times we’re actually only dealing with the symptoms that present themselves on the surface when we aren’t approaching with them with right posture. The only way to tackle something so deeply rooted in our lives is to do it on our knees.

We may think we’re able to handle it on our own as we walk around removing the visible evidence of our issues, but underneath the surface those very same issues are growing stronger and deeper in our lives. The longer we remain in denial or try to deal with it on our own, the more difficult it will become to root out. Even though the initial work may take longer than we’d like and may be harder than we expected; it is so worth it to be weed-free. When problems pop up here and there, it is much easier to address them from a place of freedom. Allowing the weeds of life to accumulate can be extremely discouraging and overwhelming. Often times we can’t even enjoy the beautiful garden of life God created for us because we’re constantly overwhelmed by all the weeds.

Drench yourself in the water of the Word so that the hardened places of your heart can be made soft and pliable. Get on your knees in prayer and ask the Father to reveal to you that which is hidden and to help you uproot everything that’s not of Him. Apply the power of the Holy Spirit, as He is the only one who can help you live a life pleasing in God’s site and teach you how to prevent future weeds from taking root. Seek the counsel of a godly leader who can help you along the way. Persevere and don’t grow weary. Whatever you do, don’t stop digging until you’re weed-FREE!

Questions to Ask

·      Do you truly desire to live a weed-FREE life or are you satisfied with just the appearance of being weed-free?

·      Have you only been dealing with the symptoms of your issues at the surface level or have you been doing the work to uproot them?

·      How often do you stand tall and proud in your own strength instead of humbly getting on your knees and asking God for the help you need?


Scriptures to Study

·      Matthew 13:22

·      Ezekiel 36:27

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