Thanksgiving 2020

With a year like this you might not feel

You have anything to be grateful for.

You may instead sit around and think

Of all the things about 2020 you abhor.


The shutdowns, the restrictions, and wearing these masks

All because of COVID-19.

All the disasters, the deaths, and civil unrest

This was a year like none we’ve ever seen.


But even in the midst of all the chaos

And craziness going on all around.

There is still a light at the end of the tunnel.

In the Word of God it can be found.


Trust in the Lord with all your heart

Don’t lean on what you understand.

Fear not for it is Almighty God

Who holds you in His right hand.


He promises to never leave nor forsake you.

Even in the middle of a pandemic He’s there.

So be anxious for nothing, take every thought captive

And on Him cast all of your care.


Thank God for His faithfulness, His love and His mercy

Thank Him for the air that you breathe.

Thank Him for His unlimited supply

And that He provides everything that you need.


Thank Him for loved ones that are still here with you

Thank Him for FaceTime and Zoom.

Thank Him for shelter and clothing and water

And for every single meal you consume.


Thank Him for the sun, the rain, the trees

For the animals and birds in the sky.

Thank Him for all the times He’s blessed you

And you still have no idea as to why.


Thank Him for the spiritual gifts that He’s given you

By using them to bring Him glory.

Thank Him for all He’s brought you through

By being willing to tell others your story.

Thank Him that He sees you, He hears you and answers

That He’s always right on time.

Thank Him that He’s gracious and compassionate and forgiving

That He’s patient and gentle and kind.


Thank Him for the thousands of promises He made you

And that His Word never returns to Him void.

Thank Him for all your tears He has bottled

And for every relationship He’s restored.


Thank Him for your parents, your children, your friends

Your spouse, your pastor, your boss.

Thank Him for Jesus who loved you so much

That He died for you on the cross.


In everything give Him thanks

In your words, in your actions and deeds.

Thank Him in your coming and in your going

And in your prayer closet down on your knees.


Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing.

Give thanks to the Lord for He’s good.

There’s always something to thank Him for

Even the rocks would cry out if they could.


So, thank you Lord for who You are

And for all You’ve done for me.

Thank you, Father for this amazing year

And for all my natural eyes can’t see.


Thank you for the plan you have for my life

Of which you knew this year would be a part.

Thank you for drawing me closer to You

And for the work you’re doing in my heart.


I could never ever say thank you enough.

The number of things I am grateful for are plenty.

Included in the things I’m thankful for

Is this life-changing year of 2020.

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