Miracle in the Mailbox

Read or listen then scroll down to the end for questions to help you apply this to your everyday life!

I took my trash out Monday morning before I got started on my day. While I was out there, I went ahead and checked my mailbox. I grabbed the mail that was in there and was about to head back inside to put it in my work bag so I could go through it later (which meant I might get to it by Friday). That still small voice within me said, "Just flip through it now." When I followed the instruction I was given, there was one piece of mail that caught my eye, so, I went ahead and opened that one envelope. To my surprise, it was a $350 reimbursement check from a doctor's appointment I had paid out of pocket for almost two years ago!

Now, this was 9:00 in the morning. My mail carrier doesn't come until late afternoon. That means that check had probably been sitting in my mailbox for a few days. Which means it was probably already in there a couple of days prior when I was trying to figure out how much I could reasonably budget to spend on Christmas gifts for my children this year. Which means it was very likely already in there when I was led to sow $100 seed into someone else's life on Saturday. Which means it was absolutely already in there on Sunday evening when I was having a conversation with a group of ladies about relying on God for our finances!

We are living in a day and age where there is so much uncertainty. People are losing their jobs, having a hard time finding new ones, are unable to work in this season because of a need to stay home with children during their virtual school day, or have been affected by this nasty virus that is plaguing our world. But even though there is so much uncertainty all around us, there is One who remains certain that lives within us and He promises us that He will supply all our need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus! Matthew 6:8 even tells us that God knows exactly what we need before we even ask Him. So, in many cases, He has already released provision before we even realize there’s a problem! He has hidden treasures just waiting for us to discover them.

Our Heavenly Father has an infinite number of ways to get what we need to us, so don’t just limit His provision to a paycheck. Trust Him as your Provider. Rely on Jehovah Jireh and not just on our job. Stop taking what He provides to meet your needs and spending it on your wants. We know God’s going to do His part, so let’s not neglect doing our part. You be a good steward because God is always going to be The Good Shepherd. And you just never know… You could be the next recipient of a miracle in the mailbox!


Questions to Ask

·      In who or what have you been relying on as your source of provision?

·      What do you need to begin doing differently to be a better steward of what God has provided you?


Scriptures to Study

·      Philippians 4:19

·      Matthew 6:33

·      Proverbs 21:20

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Keidra HobleyComment