Charged Up

A few days ago I was having one of those non-stop days where you get up, get the children off to school, put in a full day’s work, pick the children up, go home, prepare dinner, then freshen up just to turn right back around and head out again. Excited about heading to class that evening, I jumped in the car, hit the ignition, and nothing.  No interior lights. No open door beeps. No hum of the engine. Nothing. Now, this was the exact same car I had just pulled into the garage half an hour prior. It quickly became obvious to me that the battery was dead.

Without skipping a beat, I hopped out of the car, popped the trunk, and grabbed my portable charger. I connected the cables and went to flip the switch. Once again, there was nothing. No lights on the portable charger came on. No sound was made. No nothing. The portable battery charger was dead. Because it wasn’t charged up, it could not serve the very purpose for which it existed in the first place. Before it could be used to charge my car battery, it had to be charged itself because something that’s completely dead will never be able to give life.

So many times we sit and complain that no one recognizes us; no one sees our gifts, talents and abilities; or that we’re not able to do what we were created to do because no one has given us an opportunity to. Well, what if today was your day? What if today was the day your gift was needed. What if right now someone asked you to do the very thing you believe you were created to do? Would you be ready? Would you be able to give life to someone else or would you yourself need to be charged up first? Would the people you’re finally being called on to minister to have to miss out on what you could have offered them because you were depleted of life-giving power when they needed you the most?

No one likes to feel unwanted, overlooked or unusable. Most of us want to feel like we’re doing something, we’re adding value, and we’re making a difference. Well, believe it or not, it’s what you do when no one is looking that makes all the difference in what you’re able to do once you’re called upon. I encourage you today to stay charged up. Do what it takes to remain full of power so that when it’s time for you to resurrect the dead, you’ll be charged up and ready to go.

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