Destiny Fulfilled

I was wrapping a package two days ago and I wanted to make it a little extra special so, I pulled out all kinds of tissue paper and ribbons. When I was ready to attach the card, I remembered I had some envelope stickers in one of my stationary boxes. I went and got the stickers, chose the one I wanted to use, opened the package, and the stickers just started falling out. Now, these were not individual stickers. These were multiple stickers on a sheet and the stickers were falling off the sheet. Although they looked perfectly fine when I pulled out the package, it quickly became clear that something wasn’t right as soon as I opened it up.

The stickers had been in that box for so many years that they had lost their stickiness. I didn’t even know that was possible. They technically were no longer stickers. They were simply decorative cutout pieces of paper. Since I still wanted to use them, I got some glue and glued the “sticker” on my card. It was just the extra touch that I was looking for!

Soon after this happened, I had the thought that I should write a blog about what I had just observed. But, since my children are out of school for a few days and I’ve been spending my time with them, I hadn’t paused long enough to write about it. Then, I woke up this morning after a nice, deep sleep and realized I had dreamt all night long. The fact that I had a dream was interesting enough since that’s usually not my norm, but the fact that I actually remembered what it was about made it even more interesting to me.

I dreamt I was a medical doctor who had never practiced medicine. I had graduated from medical school years ago and had done lots of different things, but I had never actually seen patients or done what it was I went to school for all those years. Then one day I was offered a position at a hospital to do what I had been trained to do. I was excited and scared at the same time. I was excited about the opportunity to do what I obviously at some point really wanted to do but at the same time I was scared I wasn’t going to know what to do or how to do it. I had gone all those years never practicing what it was I was trained to do and now when the opportunity presented itself I questioned if I could even do it at all. There were several points where I considered quitting before I even tried.

I ended up accepting the position. In the beginning I spent a lot of time observing the other physicians – trying to see what I could remember from my training and what new things I could learn from them. There was one doctor I noticed was a little more patient and was willing to share a little more with me, so I stayed close so I could absorb all that I could. I eventually became the doctor everyone wanted to have because they knew that I cared about them.

Maybe today you feel like you’re too old or you’ve gone so long without doing what it is you were created to do or trained to do or called to do that you now believe there’s no way you could still fulfill your purpose. Well, I’m here to tell you that if you still have breath in your body, it’s not too late. It doesn’t matter if you have to use some glue to regain your stickiness or if you have to find yourself a mentor to help get you back on track. What matters is that you recognize that you still have value, you still have worth, there are still people who need you, and you still have a purpose to fulfill.

Don’t allow yourself to stay in the box one more day. No longer be satisfied with doing lots of other things that have no eternal value. Be willing to start wherever you are and do whatever you need to do to fulfill what it is God has for you to do. Whatever you decide, don’t be satisfied with leaving this earth before your destiny is fulfilled.

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