Well Done

Last night my daughter asked me to watch a dance competition with her. Performance after performance, the judges decided who would stay and who would go. After everyone had an opportunity to perform and the competition had been cut in half, two of the previously eliminated acts had an opportunity to be redeemed. They both came back with performances that far exceeded what had previously caused them to be eliminated. Had they both chosen their latter performance for their previous round of competition, it’s very possible neither of them would have been eliminated in the first place.

Why do we do this? Why do we try to save the best of what we have to offer until some illusive later date that may or may not ever come? Teacher, why are you waiting to teach your best courses? Writer, why are you waiting to publish your best book? Vlogger, why are you waiting to post your best video? Beautiful lady, why are you waiting to wear your best dress?

How many of you have ever tried to save something for a special occasion that never came? That steak you bought went bad as you waited for the perfect occasion to cook it. That outfit you loved so much, you never wore and now it’s way too small. Others who had a similar business idea as you had years ago have made millions while you’re still waiting on the perfect time to launch.

Ecclesiastes 11:4 TLB says, “If you wait for perfect conditions, you will never get anything done.” Tomorrow is not promised. We’re not guaranteed to make it through to the next round. Jesus has already given His life to redeem us, so we need to ensure we’re making every moment count. What a waste if your life is eliminated before you gave all you had to give.

Leave nothing on the table. Give it all you got every time. Don’t save your best for last. Continuously offer your very best first. Then, when it’s your time to face The Judge, you’ll be pleased to hear “Well done!”


Questions to Ask

·      What is it that you’ve been putting off until tomorrow that you should be doing today?

·      In what area of your life are you only performing at only a percentage of your full potential?

·      What are you waiting on before you give it all you’ve got?


Scriptures to Study

·      Ecclesiastes 11:4

·      Proverbs 27:1

·      Psalm 103:15-16

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Keidra HobleyComment