It's Time to Dream

Why do you not dream?

Is it a byproduct of your fears?

Are you scared it won’t come true?

Are you afraid of shedding more tears?


Why do you not dream?

Is your thinking way too small?

Do you think if it’s not big

Then it’s not a dream at all?


Why do you not dream?

Are you hesitant to ask?

Do you disguise your hidden desires

Along with your face behind that mask?


Why do you not dream?

Do you think that you’re unworthy?

Do you think dreams are reserved

For those who are more deserving?


Why do you not dream?

Is it that you don’t know how?

Was it never modeled before you?

Do you think it’s too late now?


Why do you not dream?

Are you avoiding being hurt?

Does the thought of being disappointed

Put your emotions on high alert?


Why do you not dream?

Are you too afraid to try?

Are you worried it might not happen

Before your time to die?


Why do you not dream?

Do you even have a clue?

Are you trying to be in control

Instead of the One who created you?


Are you thinking, “Joseph had a dream

And it got him thrown into a pit.”

Yeah, but he got out

And he didn’t let that cause him to quit.


Whatever the case may be

Whatever the “reason” has been in the past

It’s time to let it go

It’s time for a new vision to be cast.


God has things for you to do.

There are things from His children He requires.

He places those things in our hearts.

They are God-given desires.


Don’t suppress them. Don’t ignore them.

Don’t act like they don’t exist.

Instead, acknowledge them and pursue them.

To fulfill a dream, you must persist.


So, tell a friend. Ask for help.

No matter how impossible it may seem.

Because I’m telling you right now,

It’s time for you to dream!


Questions to Ask

·      Why do you not dream?

·      What dream has God given you that you’ve never acknowledged?

·      What do you need to do to pursue the dream God has given you?


Scriptures to Study

·      Psalm 37:4

·      Acts 2:17

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Keidra HobleyComment