Essential Workers

Please allow me to take a moment to honor all the essential workers who are working on our behalf during this time. We are grateful for you and are so appreciative of the work you’re doing. Just this morning I spoke to a friend of mine who is still faithfully going to work and delivering babies, even if the mother is infected with this heinous virus that’s going around. It’s heroes like her who help us to get through trying times like these.

I received a phone call the other day from a young lady who said she wanted to run something by me. Before she even got into her topic of conversation she commented, “You do realize you’re an essential worker, don’t you?” I had to pause and digest that for just a second because I had never even thought about it like that. When we are operating in our gifts and doing what it is God has asked of us to do, we are serving as essential workers in the Kingdom of God!

For the last month or two you may not have been going in to your job, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have work to do. I’m not talking about cleaning out the garage, organizing your pantry, washing the baseboards or sorting through the clothes in your closet. Although these are all great projects (some of which I still need to do), there is greater work that needs to be done.

Every one of God’s children has a work to do that is essential. Whether it’s to raise godly children, share the gospel with your neighbor, help someone in leadership, or heal the sick; the fact that God assigned you to do it is evidence enough that it’s necessary. Just because you don’t see the value in what it is He has you doing, doesn’t make it unessential. So many natural things we took for granted just two months ago, are now extremely valuable. The same may be true of the assignment God has given you. You may be taking it for granted right now, but you never know the eternal value it may have one day.

There are currently countless people publicly protesting and even more silently protesting to go back to work. They are willing to risk their lives to earn a paycheck to pay for things that have no eternal value. What if we were that adamant about doing the work God has for us to do? What if we, as believers, would actually be willing to lay down our lives and relentlessly pursue all that God has for us – no matter how big or how small it may seem?

So many that are unemployed today are wishing they still had the job they so frequently complained about. Don’t miss out on doing the work God has for you to do because you’re taking it for granted, you don’t see the value in it, or you’re constantly complaining about it. Any job we get to do for our Heavenly Father should be seen as an honor. Any soldier in the army of the Lord who is willing to lay down their life and do the work God is calling them to do is a hero and without a doubt are considered essential workers.

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