

Back in the day when I had cable, when I woke up in the mornings I had a lineup of ministers I would listen to as I got prepared for the day. On this one particular morning, I got up and turned on the television with great anticipation and rather than seeing who I expected to see, I saw a black screen with the words, “We’ve detected an interruption in your service… Sorry for the inconvenience...” Well, the first thing that went through my mind was the fact that the cable provider was so unreliable. This “interruption in our service” happened way too frequently.

I then sat there semi-patiently for a few minutes and took advantage of the time to pray. Unfortunately, I must have just been going through a religious routine rather than actually focusing on getting into the presence of God because as soon as I said “Amen,” I immediately refocused on how frustrated I was that I hadn’t been able to listen to my programming of choice. The more I thought about it, the more frustrated I got. Then, as I continued to sit there looking at a blank screen, the thought went through my mind that even though the cable company wasn’t giving me what I expected, I still had to pay for it! Quickly, in just a few short seconds, my mind began to race down a vicious spiral… “This isn’t fair.” “I shouldn’t have to pay so much if I can’t depend on them to do what it is they’re supposed to do.” “How long is it going to take them to restore what is rightfully mine?”

It was with that last mental question that it hit me… What if Jesus had the same attitude towards me as I had towards the cable company?  What if He felt like my interruptions in serving Him were way too frequent? What if He would have been unwilling to pay the price that was required of Him even though I don’t always give Him what He expects from me? What if He would have thought what He was being asked to do on Calvary wasn’t fair? What if He would have second-guessed why He should have to pay so much if He can’t depend on me to do what I’m supposed to do? It was at that moment that I realized why I need to walk in love with others, why I need to be patient with others, and why I need to be gracious towards others – because this is how my Heavenly Father is towards me! Once I began thinking the way God wanted me to think, I got a revelation on the last question in my mind which was, “How long is it going to take them to restore what is rightfully mine?”

From our own selfish point of view, it may seem like restoration is a quick and simple process that should happen in an instant. We turn our televisions on one minute and they’re not working. Then, we go on about our business and the next time we walk back into the room it’s “restored.” Well, what we don’t know is exactly what all the cable company had to go through to get us restored. For them, it wasn’t as simple as flipping a switch and everything was back the way it is originally intended.

The same is true as it relates to us being restored back to Christ. From our end, all we have to do is make one simple choice and we are restored back to all that is rightfully ours. But Jesus had to go through a whole lot of pain and suffering, had to exert a whole lot of physical and emotional strength, and had to overcome a whole lot of obstacles in order for us to experience the restoration that we so freely enjoy today. So, the next time your cable service is interrupted or any other person inconveniences you or interrupts your life, remember all that Christ had to go through to restore you and be willing to do the same for them. Jesus wasn’t the One who did anything wrong, but He was the One who did what it took to make it right.

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