It is Written

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Have you ever had a conversation with someone who was trying to get you to agree to something you didn’t want to agree to? I’m sure we all have at some point or another. My most recent experience was just the other day. Whether you call it being sold, pressured, controlled, or manipulated; it’s an encounter most of us do not like and many of us fall prey to. I walked away smiling the other day (as soon as I got my blood pressure to calm down), knowing that I had graciously stood my ground.

It was only seconds later that God began to show me the reason I was able to successfully navigate that particular encounter was because I simply kept referring back to the contract that had previously been signed. This is exactly what Jesus did when He was being tempted by Satan in the wilderness. He simply kept referring back to what had been written.

Here are ten things you need to know about referring to what is written:

1)    In order to say, “It is written…” you have to know what is written. So many of God’s children aren’t reaping the benefits of God’s Word simply because they haven’t read it.

2)    When you know what is written, you have to speak what is written. Knowing what God’s Word says is the first step but speaking it out takes it to a whole different level.

3)    Once you speak what is written, you have to firmly stand on what is written. You can’t just recite God’s Word as if it’s a memorized Easter speech. You have to be stedfast and unmoveable – expecting it to do exactly what God said it would do.

4)    When you stand on what is written, you can speak with authority. Some of us aren’t timid and apprehensive to speak because we’re shy. Many of us are that way because we don’t know who we are and the authority God has given us.

5)    When you stand on what is written, you don’t have to compromise. We don’t have to settle for anything less than what God has promised us in His Word. When has negotiating with the enemy every left you in a better place?

6)    When you stand on what is written, you don’t have to second guess yourself. Although our words may change from day-to-day, God’s Word is the same yesterday, today and forever.

7)    When you stand on what is written, you don’t have to feel guilty about your decision. When you make your decisions based on what God says, you have no reason to feel bad but every reason to feel good.

8)    When you stand on what is written, you won’t buy what’s being sold. If anyone tries to sell you on something that contradicts God’s Word, don’t buy into it. No matter how pretty they package it, it has no value to you.

9)    When you stand on what is written, you don’t feel the weight of the pressure. The world will try to weigh you down but thank God He has already told us that His yoke is easy and His burdens are light.

10) When you stand on what is written, you won’t allow yourself to be controlled or manipulated. When you put your faith in the Word spoken by the One who is in you, you won’t be influenced by the words spoken by anyone outside of you.

Read what is written so you know what is written so you can stand on what is written. That way you won’t fall for the tricks of the enemy.

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