Hidden Treasures

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December is a very exciting month! Not only is it Christmas time, but it’s also the culmination of another year. As exciting as it is, it can also be very stressful if we allow it to be – buying Christmas gifts and paying year-end taxes right after we just spent a small fortune trying to impress friends and family with a Thanksgiving to remember. And don’t even think about tossing in any unexpected expenses like your dryer quits working as mine did the other day.

After a few days of pondering what I wanted to do about this dryer that I just bought three years ago, I finally called and scheduled a repairman to come fix it. It was essentially one hundred dollars just for him to come out and tell me the problem was exactly what I told them I thought it was when I called to schedule the appointment. Since he didn’t have the part needed to take care of it right then, he left and two days later I received a phone call informing me it would be an additional two hundred and fifty nine dollars for them to repair it. That was not at all what I wanted to hear. I wasn’t happy and neither was my wallet.

When I finally got around to checking my email later that afternoon, I had a message from someone local who wanted to purchase a dozen of my books. When I checked my second email, someone had purchased something online from me and I had to take it to the post office to mail it. While I was at the post office, I checked my P.O. Box and in there was a check waiting on me from someone who was purchasing four books. When I went to deliver the dozen books, I realized the location was right near a branch of my bank, so, I stopped to deposit the check I had just picked up from my P.O. Box. When I reached in my purse to get the envelope, I accidentally pulled out a different envelope that I didn’t even realize was in my purse. When I opened it, it had seventy-five dollars cash in it. After I delivered the books, it was time to head to an event where I was invited to sell more books.

All of this happened in one day! It’s almost as if God was trying to remind me that He, Jehovah Jireh, has all different kinds of ways to get the resources to me that I need to live in this earth. God had blessings sitting there waiting on me in my inbox, another in my P.O. Box, one had been hiding in my purse for who knows how long and an author event that I had been invited to attend over a month ago just so happened to fall on this very evening.

Only God could orchestrate a day like that right after I incurred an unexpected expense. He knows exactly what we need before we even ask Him. That’s why we can, without reservation, cast all our cares on Him. We can enjoy all the excitement life has to offer without worrying or carrying the burden of all the unexpected things life may throw our way. God is faithful and He has all kinds of hidden treasures stored up for us just waiting to be revealed.


Questions to Ask

·      What unexpected things has life thrown your way recently?

·      What hidden treasures has God recently revealed to you just in the time you needed them?

·      What cares do you need to cast right now so you can enjoy all the excitement life has to offer?


Scriptures to Study

·      Matthew 6:8

·      Philippians 4:19

·      1 Peter 5:7

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